Beginning of a Sermon
1992- 1997
height: approx. 11´
This 21,000 lb. marble sculpture was inspired by a verse of
scripture (Revelation 8:6), "And the Seven angels with the seven trumpets prepared to sound".
(Click on the pictures throughout the site for an enlarged view)

The title Exordium means a beginning. The sounding of each trumpet signals the beginning of several incredible events that follow.

Exordium also means a beginning of a sermon. The sculpture is, in effect, a three-dimensional sermon.

The following quotes from "20 years perfecting art"
Sterling Journal-Advocate

"In the far back corner, behind a door plastered with a poster of Raphael Sanzio's Angels, the 48-year-old sculptor creates his art amidst shelves lined with paint cans and chisels, molds of hands and a framed wall hanging of "A Sculptor's Prayer.""

""I love the fact that it is so much like life," he says. "Every decision you make is irrevocable. You run into things you didn't expect, and there's no putting pieces back, so you have to learn to work with what you've done.""
"From his first local sculpture in 1983, Rhea's work has evolved with the shifts in his own life, which he says has gained a deeper spiritual meaning through the years. He doesn't rely on sketches or models - just the Bible."

""I had always dreamed of being a sculptor, but I didn't know why until I realized that I had a purpose much greater than myself. I had to find a way to glorify God. I'm inspired by Scriptures. That's my driving force.""

"His spiritual sense is mirrored in his work"

"He attributes his success to the small town's loyal fans and to God."

"...and I give credit to the community for being interested in it, " he says. "But I give the most credit to the good Lord. I never would have imagined any of this happening. I think it's incredible, but I'm also humbled by it.""

"While biblical scriptures drive his inspiration, he sometimes plays background music to boost his creative energy - ranging from rock to Bach's classical tunes. "Whatever fits," he says."

Exordium is completed and available now!
For the details to aquire this exquisite Marble Sculpture
called Exordium, Beginning of a Sermon (Revelation 8:6)
see contact options below.

It is also possible to commission for custom works of art

Contact Rhea's Studio for details and scheduling via


or by phone at (970)520-1199

Mail to:
Bradford Rhea
P.O. Box 74
Merino, Colorado 80741

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